Monday, January 2, 2012

Reblogging: DIY Wrap Bracelets

I STUMBLEd UPON (my favorite procrastinating website :) google it if you dont already know what it is, its amazing) this DIY blogger: Honestly... WTF. She's brilliant and this wrap braclet I just HAD TO try. And the best part is?... it worked!! I'm so so happy with how the braclets turned out. Directly below is her original post of the project, and my pictures of it follow. If you like what you see, I encourage you to try it because it was so so easy!

^ In the tutorial she does she uses a "brass ball chain", but since I couldn't find that I just used a crystal chain I found at Michaels.

Here are the tools I used. Sissors, needle nose pliers (to cut the crystal chain),  2mm leather cord (color: natural), crystal chain, natural cotton braiding cord, and my ipad with the instructions :)

This is the less intense picture of the supplies. Sorry for the mess in the background! ;) I also got more interesting colored cotton cord for the bracelets the second time around. It was the "tropical edition" and it has pink, purple, sky blue, green, and orange instead of the "natural colors" I bought the first time. I don't know when I'm ever going to use those two brown colors on top.

This is me starting the wrap bracelet. So far so good! I actually cheated a little bit and used a bit of hot glue to keep the crystal chain in place.

I love my hot glue gun!

^ Here are the final products ^
I also ended up using beads I had around my house instead of the "hex nut" HONESTLY...WTF used because I had no idea  where to find one of those things. (I have a feeling I should've tried somewhere like Home Depot, but lets face it I'm way too lazy to do anything like that).

And of course I feel the need to model it

So there you have it a DIY wrap bracelet TESTED, so you know even the dumbest of the dumb can do it! Feel free to ask if you have any questions :) happy crafting

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