Friday, July 20, 2012

4th of July Nails

Wahh so I've been super busy lately and have completely neglected my poor little blog. At first it was because I didn't have anything interesting to post, but then I did and of course I just kept getting busier and busier. But I actually have a couple of fun things to post that you should see soon :) I have another Manicure Monday look, a DIY high waisted jean shorts tutorial and a fresh  new eye makeup look :) So stay tuned for those!

But anyways this post is about these patriotic nails I did for the fourth that didn't turn out great, but I thought they were cute enough to share :)

So basically the idea of this manicure was red and white stripes with blue and white polka dotted tips.
You can pretty much guess the way I did it, but basically I just painted the majority of my nails white (from the nail bed to about what they call the "Free edge" (the little white part on the nail). You don't have to worry about it being completely opaque because in the next step I took a fine paint brush and dipped it in the red nail polish and drew the vertical stripes (approx. 3-4 per nail). Next I just used the regular nail polish brush to paint the tip of the nail with blue (as if I was doing a french manicure) and then used a tooth pick to create the dots on the end of the nail.

By the way I didn't think of this look myslef. I stole the idea from Beyonce from the music video telephone :)

I kinda wish I had put little jewels on mine I think that adds a cute touch :)

Anyways I know it's very late, but I hope everyone had a great fourth! I got compliments on my nails even after the holiday (mostly by little girls) but still! haha <3