Thursday, December 22, 2011

12/22/2011 - New show WHITNEY

It's my first night of winter break (wohoo!) and in all this crazy free time I've had I discovered the show called Whitney, have you heard of it? It's kind of like New Girl with Zooey Deschanel, but better! haha I aspire for my life to be like the character Whitney's is on Whitney. She's so freaking cool! haha but in that subtly and quirky funny way :) I think its my new show :) hehe except for Pretty Little Liars, I will be a PLL fan forever

outfit of the day inspiration

Okay so sadly this outfit of the day was inspired by the character Ariel Winters plays on Fred 2 Halloween Haunt (I was babysitting, okay....)

But anyways she is adorable and her outfits from the movie are so cute!!
gahhh too cute. so yeah here are pictures of what i wore to school last week:

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Outfit of the Day 12/12/2011

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Monday, December 12, 2011

First blog post ever!!

Well to be honest the title is actually a lie. I made a blog once. It was supposed to be about my hair. It had two posts. And then I got tired of it. So technically this is actually my third blog post (but who's counting?) and instead of limiting my blog to my struggles with my occasional mixed curly, or the cute outfits that I out together barely bi-monthly, this blog will consist of documenting the crazy life of Savannah Rae, awkward moments, spazztic moments and all :)